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Texas Instruments Calculators and Educational Solutions
Standardized tests and college entrance exams.
Many tests and exams permit or even require the use of a graphing calculator. A TI graphing calculator is ideal for students to use in math and science classes from middle school through college.
Which Graphing Calculator is right for you?
A graphing calculator is a learning tool designed to help students visualize and better understand concepts in math and science. Your selection should be determined by type of test (SAT, AP, ACT IB or PSAT/NMSQT), key features and what courses you plan to attend.
Computer Software
TI software products range from student software to help students master math and science concepts to teacher software to help demonstrate and lead classroom exploration.
TI-Nspire Navigator
These systems enable educators to quickly connect to all of their students to perform real-time assessment, share files, monitor student understanding of concepts and more.
TI-Cares Customer Support
If you have any questions, please contact us via email / phone or TI directly 1-800-842-2737
Best sellers
TEXAS INSTRUMENTS INC. 34MV/BK TI-34 MultiView Scientific Calculator EZ Spot Yellow$0.00
TEXAS INSTRUMENTS INC. 84PL/TBL/1L1 TI-84 Plus Graphing Calculator (with preloaded apps for high school math and science), black$0.00
TEXAS INSTRUMENTS INC. 30XA/TBL/1L1 TI-30Xa Scientific Calculator (General Math and Science Functionality), Gray$0.00
TEXAS INSTRUMENTS INC. 108/BK TI-108 8-Digit Display Instructional Calculator, Blue$0.00
TEXAS INSTRUMENTS INC. 84CEPY/TBL/1L1 TI-84 Plus CE Python Color Graphing Calculator, Black, W/USB Cable$0.00
Company profile
Texas Instruments was founded in 1930 as Geophysical Service Inc., an oil and gas company. The small American company used its spirit of innovation to become what it is today, a global leader in semiconductor technology. Texas Instruments uses innovation to change the lives of 90,000 customers worldwide.
Texas Instruments is an analog and digital semiconductor integrated circuit design and manufacturing company. The company operates in more than 30 countries around the globe. Texas Instruments has three divisions, Semiconductors, Educational Technology, and Digital Light Processing. The company has been known throughout the years for producing consumer electronics such as digital clocks, watches, hand-held calculators, home computers, and sensors.
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Mail : PO Box 801136
Phone : 1-305-663-8300
Fax : 1-305-665-1800
Email Id :sales@afpschoolsupply.com