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TEXAS INSTRUMENTS INC. 34MV/BK TI-34 MultiView Scientific Calculator EZ Spot Yellow
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Product Description
One (1) bulk unit with bright yellow back and slide case and the words “School Property” on the front.
TI-34 MultiView™
Intermediate, four-line scientific calculator with advanced fraction capabilities for middle school math and science.
Same functionality as the TI-34II Explorer plus display and feature enhancements.
Designed with educators and ideal for middle school math.
MultiView display shows fractions as they are written on paper.
4-line display enables scrolling and editing of inputs.
Simplify and convert fractions to decimals and back again.
Integer division key expresses results as quotient and remainders.
Appropriate for:
Middle School Math
Algebra I & II
General Science
MultiViewTM Display
Up to 4 lines of Display
Fraction Simplification
Integer Division
Standard Math Notation
Toggle Key
Scrolling and Editing
User-Friendly Menus
Data/List Editor
Two Constant Operators
Dual Power
Built-in functionality
Review and edit previous entries via a scrollable home screen
Paste inputs or outputs into new calculations
MathPrint™ mode for input in math notation, including π, square roots, fractions, percents and exponents plus math notation output for fractions
CLASSIC mode for similar entry and compatibility with previous two-line scientific models like the TI-34II pixels
π symbol on input, some calculations in terms of pi and pi to the maximum decimal places of the calculator
Toggle key to change the form of answers between fraction and decimal, or between π terms and decimal
Fraction/decimal/percent conversions
Change between improper fractions and mixed numbers, plus a mode setting for mixed number or improper fraction output as the default
Simplification of fractions feature to simplify a fraction one factor at a time instead of automatically simplifying to lowest terms
Integer division denotes quotient and remainder
Random number and random integer generator
MODE menu for selecting calculator mode settings
Menu settings
Functions accessed directly through keys or through vertical menus
Negation key
Two constant operation features for exploring mathematical patterns
Combinations and permutations
Trigonometry functions including sin, cos, tan, inverse sin, inverse cos and inverse tan
Logs and antilogs
Convert angles from degrees to radians
Square root function is primary key
%, x², ¹/x, π, x!, exponent key
Fixed decimal mode option
Basic Data/List Editor with three lists
One- and two-variable statistics with stat variable input storage
EOS: (Equation Operating System)
Up to eight pending operations
Up to 23 levels of parentheses
Error recovery capability
Quick/easy reset of calculator via 2 key press or menu for exam purposes
Seven memory variables. (x,y,z,t,a,b,c)
Scientific notation
x10n key for quick input of numbers in powers of 10
Four-line × 16-character, easy-to-read LCD display
Battery powered with solar cell assistance to lengthen battery life
Auto Power Off
Hard plastic, color-coded keys
Non-skid rubber feet
Impact-resistant cover with quick-reference card
EZ-Spot Teacher Kit Available (includes 10 EZ Spot yellow calculators, storage caddy, Teacher's Guide in English and Spanish, calculator poster and transparency)
One-Year Limited Warranty
Primary Power: Dual Power (solar and battery)
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