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TEXAS INSTRUMENTS INC. IIBAPL/CLM/1L1 TI BA II Plus Best Selling Financial Calculator
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Product Description
Case UPC
3 00 33317 07178 5
- 10-digit LCD screen, 10 user memory; trigonometric calculations, natural logarithms, and powers
- Solves time-value-of-money calculations, generate amortization schedules and cash-flow analysis
- Compute NPV, IIR, break-even calculations, interest, conversions, delta percent and profit and loss
- Also compute cost, selling price, margin and markup, statistics with 4 regression options
- Includes protective slide case; battery powered, includes 1 lithium 2032 battery; automatic shutoff
Best Selling Financial Calculator in the US and Canada
Approved for use on the CFA™, FRM™ and actuary exams
Ideal calculator for students, managers and statisticians
Profitability calculations; cash flow function calculates NPV and IRR for uneven cash flows
Time-value-of-money and amortization keys solve problems including: pension calculations, loans, mortgages, etc
List-based statistics basic functions allow addition and storing of data with 4 types of regression
4 different methods for calculation depreciation, remaining book value and remaining depreciable value
Bond calculations
Slide case included
Solves time-value-of-money calculations such as annuities, mortgages, leases, savings, and more.
Generates amortization schedules
Performs cash-flow analysis for up to 24 uneven cash flows with up to 4-digit frequencies; computes NPV and IRR
Choose from 2 day-count methods (actual/actual or 30/360) to calculate bond price or yield to maturity or to call
4 methods for calculating depreciation, book value, and remaining depreciable amount: SL, SYD, DB, DB with SL cross-over
List-based one- and two-variable statistics with four regression options: linear, logarithmic, exponential and power
Also computes: break-even calculations, interest conversions, delta %, profit and loss.
Prompted display guides you through financial calculations showing current variable and label
10 user memories
Math functions include trigonometric calculations, natural logarithms, and powers
Impact-resistant protective cover with quick reference card included
One lithium 2032 battery included
APD™ (Automatic Power Down) conserves power
One-year limited warranty
WARRANTY: One-year limited warranty.
Primary Power: CR2032 lithium battery
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