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TREND ENTERPRISES, INC. T76304 Zoom Math Card Game, Ages 9 and Up by TREND ENTERPRISES, INC.
- A math game with a forward/backward twist!
- Players add cards and watch out for wilds cards that can send their scores zooming forward, backward or nowhere at all.
- Builds multiplication skills.
- Reinforces addition skills.
- Applies probability strategies.
- Aligns with learning standards.
- Includes 100 playing cards and instructions.
- For 1 to 4 players.
- A math game with a forward/backward twist!
- Players add cards and watch out for wilds cards that can send their scores zooming forward, backward or nowhere at all.
- Builds multiplication skills.
- Reinforces addition skills.
- Applies probability strategies.
- Aligns with learning standards.
- Includes 100 playing cards and instructions.
- For 1 to 4 players.
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- Product Reviews 1
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Product Description
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- A math game with a forward/backward twist!
- Players add cards and watch out for wilds cards that can send their scores zooming forward, backward or nowhere at all.
- Builds multiplication skills.
- Reinforces addition skills.
- Applies probability strategies.
- Aligns with learning standards.
- Includes 100 playing cards and instructions.
- For 1 to 4 players.
Product Reviews 1
Product Q&A 1
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